Observe abaixo alguns exemplos de frases utilizando as palavras do diagrama acima e os itens gramaticais estudados neste módulo. Tente traduzi-las.

That turbofan is big
Those are jet engines
That is a turboprop engine. It is long.
The hot exhaust stream is extremelly dangerous
A heavy wide combustion chamber
The compressor is not stuck. It is damaged
These are not combustion engines. They are jet engines


Aircraft parts:

fuselage, wings, empennage - vertical stabilizer and rudder - landing gear - conventional gear, tricycle gear and bicycle gear

Main components of combustion engines:

cylinder, piston assembly - piston rings - connecting rod, crankshaft

Fuel system units:

tanks, booster pumps, engine-driven pump, lines, valves, pressure gage

Ignition system:

magnets, generators and batteries, distributors, wiring, booster coils, spark plugs, switches

Main turbojet engine components:

the accessory section, compressor section, the combustion section, the turbine section, the afterburner

Identifying engines parts:

the carburetor, the intake manifold, the exhaust manifold, the cylinder head, the crankcase, the camshaft, the starter


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